I've been kicking my promotion of Her Last Love into high gear these last few weeks. Between bloggers, reviewers, setting up the launch party, and sending out press releases, I feel like I've had book promotion on my brain 24/7.
To say I'm a little tired might be a slight understatement.
It's been totally worth it, though. The press releases have been doing great. One of the county papers ran it right away, as did an online paper that covers several surrounding counties. And those are just the ones I've seen.
Then I got a phone call yesterday, asking to do a quick interview over the phone! Of course I said yes, even though I feel I fumbled a little. But that's okay. It was my first ever, talking-to-an-actual-person interview, so nerves and excitement are allowed to cause a stumble or two. :)
Anyway, the interview posted on the paper's online version today! Since it's a subscriber only deal, I've included it here for you all to read! So without further ado, I present my interview, courtesy of The Madisonville Messenger.