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HCB 2023 Goals

H.C. Bentley 2023 Goals

This is the first page of my 2023 planner. My entire publishing world for the year is in this book and I literally cart it back and forth to the day job each day so I can add, adjust, move things around as they happen.

If I were to lose this thing, I'd probably have a total meltdown.

Seriously, there would be tears involved. And possibly alcohol.

But, back to the goals.

This is everything I hope to accomplish in the coming year. Hope being the operative word! Let me elaborate a bit on each goal:

1. Publish 2-3 novels, 1 novella

Though I haven't shared it yet, I semi-set my release schedule last month and, while it's a bit daunting, it's doable. Parts of the books I plan to publish are already written, so I'm ahead of the game there (yay!). The plan is to release the first books in TWO new series (including one with cowboys. Yum.).

2. Try for a Bookbub

This is a goal many authors have on their list, since getting into a Bookbub newsletter is about like winning the lottery (I'm kidding. Kind of.). I'm super intimidated by the idea of apply for one (much less getting accepted). Mainly because they can be pricey and the results can be hit or miss (and this can be due to several things all lining up at once).

3. Start a Kindle Vella story

Yes. I'm doing it. I'm working the Spense and Dev story I started some time back and taking it to Kindle Vella. The goal here is to be able to work on it, an episode at a time, with the end result being a finished book. Fingers crossed as I'm heading into new territory!

4. Have an audiobook done (even if it's a novella)

Confession time. I used to really dislike audio books. I know, I know. But note I said "used to". I realized it wasn't the audiobook format I didn't like, but the narrators of certain books I tried. Once I made this discovery, I started devouring audios. And it's been a desperate wish of mine to get at least one of my stories done in an audiobook. Hopefully, 2023 is the year it happens!

5. Work on building Beta Reader and ARC teams

For those who don't know, beta readers read the book as it's being written or before the editor in order to catch mistakes, plot holes, etc. ARC readers get the final, polished book before publication. I've been searching for readers to join my teams but I'm not having a whole lot of luck. I shall persevere in the new year, though!

I have some other things I'd like to work on and see happen in 2023 but these are the top five on my list. Here's hoping I haven't put too much on myself and I can make these things happen!


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